Video Galleries: The Huntsville/Madison Area


An impromptu video I caught on the way home from work today (6-1-2012) of NS train 325 coming through historic downtown Madison, AL headed westbound. Of course, the clouds would come up just as I got ready to film!

HD Video Clip - Views: 3596 · Uploaded: June 01,2012


The late afternoon sun casts long shadows as we continue to follow NS empty coal train westbound as they pass through Paint Rock, AL.

Video Clip - File Size: 5261 KBytes · Downloads: 5753 · Uploaded: September 30,2007


NS executive train 951 blasts through Madison, AL with a set of beautifully restored F units!

Video Clip - File Size: 7845 KBytes · Downloads: 6755 · Uploaded: July 31,2007

All content ©1999-2025 John D. Peterson/ unless noted. These pages are in no way affiliated with any railroad or other company mentioned in these pages. This information is provided for entertainment purposes only.