Photo Galleries: Industrial Railroad Operations

An ABC Coke SW1001 works a cut of hoppers at Tarrant City on the north east side of Birmingham, AL.

File Size: 295 KBytes · Downloads: 4125 · Uploaded: April 29,2012


Leased power used for switching the International Paper plant in Courtland, AL. The unit idles near the small yard at the paper plant while waiting for the next call of duty.

File Size: 324 KBytes · Downloads: 3931 · Uploaded: September 16,2008


An old caboose of possible Southern heritage provides an office for the crews switching the International Paper plant in Courtland, AL.

File Size: 368 KBytes · Downloads: 4563 · Uploaded: September 16,2008


Here is an overview of the Wurzburg Paper Mill as seen from the Bay Bridge Road in Mobile, AL.

File Size: 218 KBytes · Downloads: 5024 · Uploaded: September 29,2007


The switcher used by the Wurzburg Paper Mill is seen from the Bay Bridge Road in Mobile, AL.

File Size: 288 KBytes · Downloads: 4966 · Uploaded: September 29,2007


The International Paper Courtland Mill in Courtland, AL utilizes a couple of EMD switchers for intra-plant operations. The units appear to be MP15DC models.

File Size: 239 KBytes · Downloads: 5627 · Uploaded: August 26,2007


A Jefferson Warrior Railroad EMD SW1500 works the Sloss Industries facility near Tarrant City in Birmingham. The plant can be seen from 35th Ave N but you have to be lucky to catch them out where they are easy to photograph!

File Size: 266 KBytes · Downloads: 4664 · Uploaded: August 26,2007


Another switcher at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Widows Creek Steam Plant between Stevenson and Bridgeport, AL is this EMD SW1000.

File Size: 189 KBytes · Downloads: 4311 · Uploaded: February 19,2007


The Tennessee Valley Authority operates this SW1500 for switching duties at the Widows Creek Steam Plant between Stevenson and Bridgeport, AL.

File Size: 156 KBytes · Downloads: 4659 · Uploaded: February 19,2007


American Cast Iron Pipe Company operates a plant on the north side of Birmingham near the Finley area. Here is a shot of one of their switchers, which appears to be an MP15DC.

File Size: 228 KBytes · Downloads: 4422 · Uploaded: February 18,2007


In Tarrant City, on the northeast side of Birmingham, we found this ABC Coke unit (which looks to be an SW1001) switching a cut of cars. This location is close to CSX's Boyles Yard.

File Size: 200 KBytes · Downloads: 6002 · Uploaded: February 18,2007


This freshly rebuilt switcher is used by the Huntsville International Airport Intermodal Center. It is shown here spotting a cut of well cars.

File Size: 147 KBytes · Downloads: 6568 · Uploaded: December 12,2001


The International Intermodal Center's Alco RS1 prepares to pull a cut of cars out to meet NS's local switcher, T89, on a late October afternoon in Madison, AL.

File Size: 107 KBytes · Downloads: 6251 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


The International Intermodal Center is located in near the Huntsville/Madison County International Airport and includes a large crane used for loading/unloading containers and trailers on flat cars. Here an SW8 switches cars in the late afternoon.

File Size: 100 KBytes · Downloads: 5733 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


LLX Rail, Inc., located in Decatur, AL, seems to handle switching and barge loading of steel from the newly built Trico Steel plant in the Mallard Fox Industrial Park.

File Size: 120 KBytes · Downloads: 5073 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


Progress Rail Services performs railcar repair and recycling and is located in Albertville, Alabama. Here is a shot of one of Progress' switcher, which appears be an SW1200 with Flexicoil trucks.

File Size: 138 KBytes · Downloads: 7256 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


River Fleets, Inc., formerly LLX Rail, handles scrap steel and new between the Trico Steel plant and barge loading/unloading on the Tennessee River in Deactur, AL. Here is a photo of one of River Fleet's remote controlled SW1000s.

File Size: 67 KBytes · Downloads: 5615 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


Here is another view of the River Fleet's remote controlled SW1000. The future may be uncertain for River Fleets, as Trico Steel has declared bankruptcy and closed the plant in Decatur, AL.

File Size: 69 KBytes · Downloads: 5290 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


The Tennessee Valley Authority operates the Widows Creek Steam Plant between Stevenson and Bridgeport, AL. Their SW1500 is shown here in the rain (The things us railfans will do for a shot!).

File Size: 86 KBytes · Downloads: 5903 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


The Worthington Steel Company operates a steel pickling and slitting plant in Decatur, AL. Here is a photo of Worthington's switcher that looks like perhaps a GP7.

File Size: 70 KBytes · Downloads: 5172 · Uploaded: July 03,2001


Amoco chemical company in Decatur recently sent their SW1001 switcher for repair/rebuilding at CSX's locomotive facility in Waycross, GA. Here the unit waits to be picked up by a south bound train.

File Size: 94 KBytes · Downloads: 6619 · Uploaded: July 03,2001

All content ©1999-2025 John D. Peterson/ unless noted. These pages are in no way affiliated with any railroad or other company mentioned in these pages. This information is provided for entertainment purposes only.