If you have not already done so, I would certainly suggest you check out the user forums
and downloads available at http://www.train-sim.com. The site is intended to serve as a
central meeting place for the train-sim community, a "club house" of sorts where you can
find all the latest information, chat with other enthusiasts, trade files, learn about
trains and much more. If you are interested in getting more out of Microsoft Train
Simulator, train-sim.com should be your first stop!
If you need more info on Train Simulator, such how to add new objects to the game and how to make your trains
and consists, be sure to check out the Frequently Asked Questions section at train-sim.com.
CSX 2 Bay ACF CenterFlow(tm) Hopper
Uploaded: November 19,2001
Downloads: 10617
3D Model Creator: John D. Peterson
File Size: 650 KB
Description: CSX Two Bay American Car and Foundry CenterFlow(tm) Hopper
Click on the image to the left to download! · Freeware
C&NW Three Bay ACF CenterFlow(tm) Hopper
Uploaded: November 19,2001
Downloads: 10063
3D Model Creator: John D. Peterson
File Size: 560 KB
Description: Chicago and North Western Three Bay American Car and Foundry CenterFlow(tm) Hopper
Click on the image to the left to download! · Freeware
CSX Four Bay ACF CenterFlow(tm) Hopper
Uploaded: November 19,2001
Downloads: 11823
3D Model Creator: John D. Peterson
File Size: 613 KB
Description: CSX Four Bay American Car and Foundry CenterFlow(tm) Hopper. Comes with two cars; One includes FRED unit!
Click on the image to the left to download! · Freeware
Blank Skin Pack for 2, 3 and 4 Bay ACF CenterFlow(tm) Hoppers
Uploaded: November 19,2001
Downloads: 5674
3D Model Creator: John D. Peterson
File Size: 139 KB
Description: Blank texture files for 2, 3 and 4 Bay ACF CenterFlow(tm) Hoppers to aid you in creating you own skins!
Click on the image to the left to download! · Freeware