The feed radios are located in our garage on a home-built shelf. The radio shelf slides out to
allow work on any of the radios, pre-amps, etc. The radios are powered by a DuraComm 13.8VDC power supply and the pre-amps (3 total, 2 for ATCS and
1 for audio) are powered by a 24VDC "wall-wart". From left to right, the radios are:
- Uniden BCT8: Public safety feed
- Motorola VHF Maxtrac: Railroad yard audio feed
- Motorola VHF Maxtrac: Railroad road audio feed
- Motorola UHF Maxtrac: Railroad EOT monitoring
- Motorola 800MHz Maxtrac: Railroad ATCS monitoring
- Motorola 900MHz Maxtrac: Railroad ATCS monitoring
The bottom shelf is spare parts (radios/antennas/power supply) and an uninterruptible power supply.
The server is an Intel D410PT Mini-ITX motherboard with an Atom processor at 1.6 GHz with
1.5GB of DDR2 RAM and a 160GB 2.5" SATA hard disk. It is mounted in an embedded type case and mounted at the top of the wall in our den. The opposite
side of this wall is in the garage where the radio equipment is located. The power and USB wiring (for the Griffin iMic USB sound cards) runs through two
small holes hidden behind the crown moulding. The cable running along the wall is Ethernet.
Here is a "fall-ish" shot of some of the antennas. They are
mounted on 30' of Rohn 20 type tower. With a 10' pole installed at the top of the tower, the base of the top antenna is at about 37' above the ground.
The top antenna
is a dual-band VHF/UHF Jetstream JTB1 that is used for the
Decatur/Morgan County Public Safety Feed as well as the railroad audio feed.
Here is another shot of the antennas at the top of the tower.
The two antennas below the dual-bander are a pair of
Antenex FG8963 omni-directional antennas in a co-phased configuration spaced 2 wave-lengths apart. These are used for ATCS monitoring.
At about 15' above the ground is this Celwave PD10108-2 yagi. This antenna is also used for ATCS monitoring.
This shot shows where the WBC-400 cables are tied to RG58 cables to come in
the house via a hole originally drilled by the cable TV installer. The tower makes a handy place to hang your plants also! :-)
Interested in running your own live audio stream on the Internet? Check out the new tutorial on setting up your own live scanner feed on the Internet!